Sunday, July 5, 2009

Just to keep you updated...

Awhile back, when I first started watching "Gossip Girl," I posted a picture of Penn Badgley on this blog. I generally like the older fellas, but I thought he was a cute little cub. For those keeping score, now I'm into Ed Westwick. He's English, so age doesn't need to be taken into account. Plus, he's in a band, which gives him a lot of Badass points.

Dear Residents of Washington Heights:

It is now 5:28 am EST, July 5, 2009. I think you can stop setting off firecrackers. The moment's gone.


But it sure sounds nice

It's been said that, "It's always darkest before the dawn." People who say this obviously do not suffer from insomnia. I've noticed that it gets progressively lighter as sunrise approaches. Just as it gets progressively darker after sunset. No one says, "It's always lightest before the dark." I guess that doesn't sound as inspirational. People are assholes...

Furry Little Favorites

You know what's great about raccoons?

Everything. Yeah, that's right. Everything.

Oh yeah, I have a blog...

Apparently it's been over a year since I posted. Whoops.

Anyway, the other morning, I was standing outside the subway entrance, smoking and rocking out to my iPod. I got to thinking that iPods are the new Magic 8 Ball. You ask a question and then hit shuffle. No shaking required.